Shanice Säde Gervais is an artist and dancer, who fuses both expressive outlets, art and dance, to fuel and inspire her creative process. Something wonderful happens when she sits to create art. The world fades as the colors, pencils, and brushes consume her. Those pieces become handcrafted worlds, reflective of dream-like attributes. Shanice maintains a surrealistic approach in her personal art and challenges the reality she experiences. The observer is invited to step into strange universes and embark unhindered on voyages of discovery. Although surrealism is an integral feature, many people can identify with the themes of escape, discovery, and freedom she usually explores.
Her intricate creations are primarily done in colored pencil and watercolor, but she gravitates more to colored pencils, for its malleable and precise nature. Shanice is intrigued by portraiture and rely heavily on her surroundings and nature for inspiration. She takes her everyday life experiences, to create unusual outcomes.
She shares the most precious part of herself with the world, not only to grow, but to touch and inspire the hearts of artists, budding artists, and art lovers alike. If you are among these categories, get familiar with the name and connect with her below.